by John Smid | Dec 4, 2012 | Ex'd Out by John Smid, Uncategorized
Memphis Flyer – November 29, 2012 Ex’d Out made into the Memphis Flyer this week and was reviewed by Bianca Phillips Fall into winter with some reading. Fourteen books to consider. Ex’d Out is written for a Christian audience with...
by John Smid | Jun 17, 2012 | John's Current Blog, MyLifeStory
“John, your dad gave me this angel pin and it is one of my favorite things.” “Did you see my angel pin, I got it from your dad. He’s such a special uncle.” And yes, a third, “I’m wearing this special pin that your dad gave me...
by John Smid | Aug 5, 2011 | John's Car Blog, John's Current Blog, Through the Windshield of My Life
At the center of this story, I am riding in a vintage 1982 Corvette Collector Edition on the freeway in Southern California. My very first time to ride in a ‘vette. Loud, stiff, low to the ground, there is nothing like the “All American Sports...
by John Smid | Jul 22, 2011 | John's Car Blog, John's Current Blog, MyLifeStory, Through the Windshield of My Life
Through the Windshield of My Life – Stepping forward to a more recent history. 2007 Toyota Sienna In 2007, I bought a new Toyota Sienna minivan. I had no idea that this car would be a new symbol of a dramatic change in my life and would play out in amazingly...
by John Smid | May 31, 2011 | Through the Windshield of My Life
1963 Chevrolet Corvette When I was about 9 or 10 years old my dad and I began going to the car dealerships to see the newly revealed models each fall. We also went to the local car shows each year that were held in our city coliseum. We would walk and walk just...
by John Smid | May 27, 2011 | John's Car Blog, MyLifeStory, Through the Windshield of My Life
1988 Plymouth Voyager This was the latest trend in family vehicles. After their debut in 1984, the refinement had enhanced the look and feel of the upcoming all American transport for parents and their children. Velour interior, power everything, spacious interiors,...
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