My Personal Blog

I think lots of things. Some are crazy, some are sane, others are just my opinions. Enjoy.

A Very Difficult Discussion

With all of the news and media messages reacting to North Carolina and Mississippi’s attempt to construct ways of dealing with diverse sexuality, I’m struck with something as I ponder all of this. I’m rapt with an intense reality of how hard it is for us to be...

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I’ve Changed Religions

  I’ve been pondering my spiritual history this week and came upon a dramatic realization. I’ve changed religions! I grew up in the Catholic tradition. When I was a kid at school, we’d often talk around the school about what religion we were. Some were Baptist,...

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Did Conversion Therapy Cause My Friend’s Suicide?

A man recently wrote to me about the suicide of a common friend. He and our friend once went through the ministry Love In Action when I was the director there. I'm thankful for the opportunity to continue our dialogue even though we have gone many directions since our...

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A Life Lost to Suicide

Throughout the years I was involved in leadership with ExGay ministries those in the LBGT community often said that we were causing suicides. I often dismissed their accusations, as I perceived them to be attempts only to discredit our work. Sadly last week, January...

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Satan’s Lies and Sodomy-John Piper

A FaceBook friend recently posted a link to an article by John Piper adding the following statement: “If we truly care about our homosexual friends and family members we will tell them the truth." John Piper's post framed Satan's power to destroy and the lies of...

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It’s Not About Being Happy

It’s Not About Being Happy, Caitlyn Jenner! So many people believe that we have to be happy in order to represent a successful life. Is life all about pursuing happiness? Is God’s first priority to give us a happy life? Many years ago I let go of that expectation. I’m...

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My Loved One Is Gay! Joy, or Horror?

The Joy and the Horror Families with LGBT Members, A while back, I got this phone call. “John, I never thought I’d be calling you about this, we just found out that my brother is gay. My whole family is devastated.” At the time, I believed someone being gay was a...

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Do They Really Believe What They Preach?

If they really believed what they preach? They’d be rushing to all of the gay people they know; wrapping their arms around them and having a hard time letting go. They’d be screaming at the top of their lungs – I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! They’d be posting all over their...

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I’m Weird

The 2015 Oscars had many poignant moments for me. It's interesting that I remember more of the extras than I do the actual movie awards. But for me,  Lady Gaga singing The Sound of Music and the moving acceptance by Julie Andrews, Patricia Arquette speaking out for...

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Letter from a 45 year old virgin

I received a personal letter from a man in his middle forties. He described that he was recently coming out to himself and a few others. He grew up in a strongly legalistic church background. He said his church considered Liberty University and Jerry Fallwell, its...

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A Very Difficult Discussion

With all of the news and media messages reacting to North Carolina and Mississippi’s attempt to construct ways of dealing with diverse sexuality, I’m struck with something as I ponder all of this. I’m rapt with an intense reality of how hard it is for us to be...

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I’ve Changed Religions

  I’ve been pondering my spiritual history this week and came upon a dramatic realization. I’ve changed religions! I grew up in the Catholic tradition. When I was a kid at school, we’d often talk around the school about what religion we were. Some were Baptist,...

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Did Conversion Therapy Cause My Friend’s Suicide?

A man recently wrote to me about the suicide of a common friend. He and our friend once went through the ministry Love In Action when I was the director there. I'm thankful for the opportunity to continue our dialogue even though we have gone many directions since our...

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A Life Lost to Suicide

Throughout the years I was involved in leadership with ExGay ministries those in the LBGT community often said that we were causing suicides. I often dismissed their accusations, as I perceived them to be attempts only to discredit our work. Sadly last week, January...

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Satan’s Lies and Sodomy-John Piper

A FaceBook friend recently posted a link to an article by John Piper adding the following statement: “If we truly care about our homosexual friends and family members we will tell them the truth." John Piper's post framed Satan's power to destroy and the lies of...

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It’s Not About Being Happy

It’s Not About Being Happy, Caitlyn Jenner! So many people believe that we have to be happy in order to represent a successful life. Is life all about pursuing happiness? Is God’s first priority to give us a happy life? Many years ago I let go of that expectation. I’m...

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My Loved One Is Gay! Joy, or Horror?

The Joy and the Horror Families with LGBT Members, A while back, I got this phone call. “John, I never thought I’d be calling you about this, we just found out that my brother is gay. My whole family is devastated.” At the time, I believed someone being gay was a...

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Do They Really Believe What They Preach?

If they really believed what they preach? They’d be rushing to all of the gay people they know; wrapping their arms around them and having a hard time letting go. They’d be screaming at the top of their lungs – I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! They’d be posting all over their...

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I’m Weird

The 2015 Oscars had many poignant moments for me. It's interesting that I remember more of the extras than I do the actual movie awards. But for me,  Lady Gaga singing The Sound of Music and the moving acceptance by Julie Andrews, Patricia Arquette speaking out for...

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Letter from a 45 year old virgin

I received a personal letter from a man in his middle forties. He described that he was recently coming out to himself and a few others. He grew up in a strongly legalistic church background. He said his church considered Liberty University and Jerry Fallwell, its...

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2792 CR 33040 Brookston, TX 75421


(901) 270-3222