1990 Cadillac Eldorado

by | Mar 10, 2022

As I continued in my car buying hobby, I wanted a Cadillac Eldorado. My first choice was to get one from the middle 1990’s. I loved their classic design. But as I continued to think about this decision, I realized I was insecure about buying one with the infamous “Northstar” engine.

Along the way I heard that the 1988-1990’s had a solid engine so I began looking in that era. I found this beautiful 1990 Eldorado at a dealership in Iowa. I had the car inspected locally and it came back with a great passing grade. Oddly, the car had spent its entire life in the wintery, salted roads of Iowa but had no rust at all. It told me that it had always been stored in the winters due to the car of its owners, yes, it had had two owners.

So, I decided to purchase the car and have it shipped to me in Texas. Upon inspection, it was beautiful! Gorgeous shiny paint, flawless interior. It was cleaner than I expected it to be. It had one area of scratches right around the hood ornament. I never did figure out how that happened other than somehow something had been attached to the ornament and moved around scratching the paint.

After getting the car, yes it had a great engine that had a deep growl to it. It was super fun to drive and I often referred to it as being a “roadster.” It was powerful, quick, and rode well. After a short while a couple of problems showed up. In the end, I had spent a couple of thousand dollars fixing them. Ugh. I should have gotten a Northstar.

I sold the car because I just didn’t want any more expensive repairs. At times I miss it, I miss it’s quick, growly, personality.